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Page last updated January 5, 2022.

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– Menthol reduces the irritation in your throat when you smoke, making you draw smoke deeper into your lungs.

– Even if you smoke less, you can be more easily addicted.

– Smoking can cause cancer almost anywhere in the body.

– Smoking can make COVID-19 infections more severe.

– The Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids recently released a report on how the tobacco industry has heavily marketed menthol tobacco products in Black communities. As a result, more Black smokers smoke menthol than any other group.

– Menthol disguises the harsh taste of tobacco behind a cool, minty flavor to make smoking easier and more appealing to teens and new smokers.

The 2018 California Student Tobacco Survey found that 100% of high school students in LA County that reported smoke cigarettes, smoke mint/menthol flavored cigarettes.

-Nearly 50% of all Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual adult cigarette smokers in California smoke menthol cigarettes, compared to only 28% of straight adult cigarette smokers. Learn more.

– A national study found that 44.5% of African Americans who smoke and 44% of women who smoke would quit smoking if menthol cigarettes were banned. Learn more.

– Using any tobacco product can be harmful to your health, and that includes smoking menthols. Menthol cigarettes are just as harmful as regular cigarettes.

– Quitting smoking lowers your blood pressure and reduces your risk of cancer, heart attack, heart disease and stroke. Learn more.

– Quit smoking to protect your loved ones, furry friends, and household members from the risks of secondhand smoke.

– You can save the money you would’ve spent buying menthol cigarettes. Spend it on something else for yourself.

– Smoking can make COVID-19 infections more severe. Quit smoking to reduce your risk of severe illness from COVID-19. Learn more.

– Menthol smokers have a more difficult time quitting smoking and have more quit attempts than non-menthol smokers.

– Call 1-800-300-8086 or text QUIT SMOKING to 66819 for free counseling and free nicotine patches and to make a quit plan.

– Set a quit date and get tips for planning to quit. Learn how.

– Take walking breaks or do a light exercise when you have an urge to smoke.

– Drink a lot of water.

– Make a note to yourself: “Quitting smoking isn’t easy, but don’t give up! Keep going, keep trying!”


Kick It California 1-800-300-8086

Get free, personalized help from a Quit Coach via phone call, text message, or live chat. Previously known as the CA Smokers’ Helpline or 1-800-NO-BUTTS, Kick It California can connect you to local programs and offers the free No Butts + No Vapes mobile apps.
Kick It California – QUIT-SMOKING

CDC – Menthol and Cigarettes

American Lung Association – More on Menthol

State and Local Cessation Resources

Get a list of available local, state and national quitting tobacco and vaping resources you need.

Tobacco Cessation Resources 2023

Cessation Clinics in Los Angeles County

Find a smoking cessation clinic near you serving in Los Angeles County.

Smoking Cessation Insurance Clinic Resources 2023

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